MGM Chickens

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Speckeld Sussex
Production: Very Good (4/wk)
Egg Color: Light Brown
Type: Cold Hardy

Chosen due to their flashy color and ability to lay thru the coldest of winters, the Speckled Sussex is one of our families’ favorites. They are a dual purpose bird which is a dependable layer of tinted or light brown eggs. Their flashy colors and speckles give them more camouflage to predators and flash as they age. The addition of more speckles and color occurs after each molting. This truly is a chicken that is more flashy with age. Their friendly nature and desire to greet visitors makes the Speckled Sussex a true favorite to anyone visiting the farm. This particular type of chicken was chosen by MGM Paso Finos LLC for their laying ability, friendly nature and colorful eggs.

Beginning in the Fall of 2013, Fresh Eggs will be for sale

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